Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This is my Ponysona, and yes, it is a stupid name, but who cares?!

Let me explain.

My first name means "house of figs" so naturally, she's gotta have figs!

Aaaaaaaaand... Fantasia sounded cool and had alliteration.


I really like how it came out, the shading and background were all fancy and cute, and I love how her main came out, too.

And yes, that is a pen and ink cutie mark. :3

Portal Concept Art

This here would be some random Chell sketches. I figured I'd put her up first because she's the main character... yeah.

Gotta say, I'm pretty freaking proud of the shot where she's in-between portals. The hair, colors, and proportions turned out just right. The others, it's so-so, but still slightly acceptable to me. I didn't put very much effort into how I shaded her hair, so it looks really really shadowy in random places. Haha.

And here is GLaDOS, the first one I made out of these three, the one I put the least amount of effort into, and, ironically, my favorite. I just think the colors and expressions came out perfect on her, along with the perfect shading and... goodness I just love villains like GLaDOS.

 And last but not least, Wheatley. I love his expressions, too. Gotta say he was most difficult, though, because of the inconsistency of his hair and suit, plus the buttload of wires connected to him, like GLaDOS had, but at that point I was like, "THIS IS STUPID RAAWR" and suffered my way through it.

Oh yes, poor, poor me. Hahahah.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Annndddd..... Another piece of art! Woo!

This one's Zexion, free to use as a Facebook banner or whatever. :P

I really like everything about it, his expression, the swirly bits... and his hair. Very, very cool hair. :D

Intelligence Dampening Core

I bring to you my latest obsession: Portal and Portal 2.

This would be my take on a humanized Wheatley (I might not have played both the games all the way through, but I know what happens to Chell and Wheatley and ... yes, PotatOS). Of course, this is really formal and unlined, so when you see me draw him in the future with lines and whatnot, he'll be a lot more cartoony.

I like how it overall came out, though there isn't one thing in general that I prefer. I had a little bit of an issue with his nose, but it came out decent. His hair's a little too poofy for my liking, but still, it could have been a lot worse.

Pardon me now while I go and work on getting just five more dollars to get the Portal package on Steam. @__@